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Boosting your content and SEO requires a strategic approach and a combination of various tactics. At LC Media we our goal is to enhance our clients content and improve your SEO ranking. Some strategies we use to achieve said goals are:

  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Keyword Research
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Regularly Updating Website Content
  • Optimizing User Experience

what is SEO?

          Search Engine Optimization is the practice of enhancing a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. It entails various methods and approaches meant to increase a website’s visibility to people when they type in particular terms or keywords into search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization (which includes link building), technological optimization, and the production of excellent, pertinent content are all included in SEO. Through the optimization of these many facets, search engine optimization (SEO) aids websites in drawing in organic traffic, enhancing online visibility, and accomplishing goals, whether that is increasing sales, generating leads, or building brand awareness. To put it simply, search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential digital marketing discipline that is critical to a website’s success in the fiercely competitive online environment.

SEO statistics


of clicks are on websites that appear on the first page of Google search results.


 of online experiences begin with a search engine.


 of web traffic is through organic search.


is the close rate for SEO leads, whereas outbound leads such as print advertising or direct mail have a close rate of 1.7%.

Types of SEO

  • On-Page SEO: Optimizing individual web pages to raise their search engine ranks is known as on-page SEO. Content, headings, URL structures, internal linking, and meta tags (such as title tags and meta descriptions) are all optimized. Making a webpage more relevant and user-friendly for both users and search engines is the goal of on-page SEO.
  • Off-Page SEO: The goal of off-page SEO is to enhance a website’s reputation and authority through off-website activity. The main method of off-page SEO is link building, which is obtaining relevant backlinks from other well-known websites. Off-page SEO also includes social media marketing and online reputation management.
  • Technical SEO: Technical SEO works on a website’s technical components to increase search engine visibility. It entails making sure search engines can efficiently crawl and index the website, as well as improving the site’s performance, mobile friendliness, architecture, URL structure, and XML sitemaps. Search engines can comprehend and rank the material on your website thanks to technical SEO.
  • Local SEO: Businesses with physical locations must prioritize local SEO. It focuses on making a website more likely to show up in local search results when people look for goods or services nearby. Creating and improving Google My Business listings, securing online reviews, and guaranteeing correct NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information are all part of local SEO.
  • Voice Search SEO: As voice-activated devices and voice search queries become more prevalent, voice search SEO focuses on optimizing content and website elements to respond effectively to voice search queries. This often involves targeting long-tail keywords and providing concise, conversational answers.
  • Mobile SEO: Mobile SEO concentrates on making websites mobile-friendly due to the growing popularity of mobile devices. It entails developing designs that are responsive or mobile-friendly, accelerating the performance of websites, and guaranteeing a flawless user experience for mobile users.
  • E-commerce SEO: Online retail websites are the target audience for e-commerce SEO. It entails improving an e-commerce site’s overall structure, category pages, and product listings to increase organic traffic, improve search engine visibility, and increase sales.
  • Content SEO: The main goal of content SEO is to make a website’s content more search engine friendly. This entails conducting keyword research, producing content, optimizing headers and subheadings, and making sure the material is relevant to the intended audience.
  • Video SEO: The main goal of video SEO is to make video content more search engine friendly. For the purpose of raising video ranks on websites like YouTube and Google Video, this entails optimizing video names, descriptions, tags, and metadata.


SEO is crucial since it raises a website’s search engine ranking, increasing the likelihood that users will find it. Enhanced exposure has the potential to result in increased organic traffic, enhanced credibility, and better user interaction.

When searching for information, goods, or services, users enter certain words or phrases into search engines, which are known as keywords. Optimizing a website’s content for relevant keywords that users are likely to look for is known as search engine optimization, or SEO.

The age of the website, the quality of SEO efforts, and the competitiveness of the keywords can all have a significant impact on how quickly SEO results are achieved. Search rankings may not significantly improve for several months.

SEO is a continuous endeavor. Search engines are always changing their algorithms, and there is a lot of competition online. Maintaining and raising ranks requires constant optimization and observation.

Listings that spontaneously arise in search engine results as a result of their relevancy and SEO efforts are known as organic search results. Advertisers who place paid search results pay for clicks or impressions on the ads that show up at the top or sides of the search results page.